
The phenomenal aspect of ocean swells is that they can travel for thousands of miles in all directions at any size from 1inch to 100ft. Each of these swells is totally unique and will end up on some shore or reef, only to disperse its energy and never be seen again. It is this deeper fascination with the movements of the ocean that I have aimed to capture within this body of work. I try not to simply look at the overall picture but to also focus in on the finer details of the interaction between water and rock, looking for rare irreplaceable patterns created from broken water and sometimes taking an abstract approach. All images from this series were shot on colour transparency film and high-end scanned. There was no Photoshopping or digital manipulation applied. The final set of images has been both published and exhibited, many times over the last 10 years. 

*All images on this website are copyright © of Tobie Loates Photography & may not be copied or reproduced, unless written permission is granted from the photographer.